Renowned entrepreneur and inspirational keynote speaker Ben Towers, 17, has shot up the Richtopia British Entrepreneurs Top 100, breaking into the top 50 for the first time.

Taking his place alongside tycoons Richard Branson and Lord Alan Sugar, Towers has climbed faster than any other entrant, to reach 34th from his previous position of 61st.

“It’s great to be recognised in a list that includes so many people I’ve always looked up to,” Said Towers, “the next step is to break into the top ten!”

With high-profile projects in the immediate pipeline, it would be brave to bet against him reaching such heights in the near future.
Towers is no stranger to success despite his youth; at the age of 16 he was already the head of his own digital media agency with a team of 15 employees. As well as his cutting-edge website company, Towers Design, he works as a role model for other young people interested in business and delivers keynote speeches at some of the country’s top business seminars, something he enjoys immensely: “I think it’s often a surprise for people when I walk onto stage,” Towers continues, “but I’m living proof that age is not a barrier to success – it’s a universal message that people are inspired by.”