In this new world of hybrid working, organisations will want to assess the latest technology available to maximise the potential of their workforce and volunteers. But with hi-tech employee engagement systems carrying a hefty price-tag, new social connectivity tool King Prawn offers organisations a viable option.
This Autumn has marked a return to the office for many, with trains packed and roads busy once more with rush-hour commuters. But with just 57% of employees expecting to be in the office ten days or less a month, organisation leaders are feeling the pressure to prioritise opportunities to re-build employee networks.
And with amazing advances in engagement technology – there are no end of opportunities to do so. WorkVivo, Claromentus and Microsoft Teams are all examples of comprehensive workplace packages that streamline shared working and maximise engagement. But with a basic Teams package costing an organisation of 30 around £150 a month, and an additional cost for extra functionality, these systems require financial investment and a potential technology overhaul.
It was just these considerations that King Prawn Co-Founder Ed Shrager sought to address:
“After 20 years in the Third Sector, I’ve spent the last 18 months helping organisations get back the ‘glue’ that’s been missing from face-to-face interactions.
“I had great team building successes with a social connection technique, the Randomised Coffee Trial (RCT). The value people and organisations gained from these conversations was clear. But the admin burden was heavy, and I started to look around at the software available to take this pain away.
“I was repeatedly struck by a universal flaw in the systems I tried – the 'random' nature of connections. Often line manager and employee were matched, or an individual paired with a ‘helpdesk' inbox.
“Additionally, the cost of these systems to a small business was often prohibitive meaning that those organisations for whom connected functioning teams could have the biggest impact, were left behind. That’s why I developed King Prawn and set a standard monthly fee of less than £10 for unlimited use of all the functionality.”
Yet it’s not just the social ‘glue’ that teams are currently missing. According to OD Expert Kate Turner, many are suffering from a general work malaise and the anticipated ‘return to work spark’ has already fizzled out. Kate says,
“Rather than a spark, there is an atmosphere of drudgery. People are looking to leave and there is talk of the ‘Great Resignation’. We know that low motivation is contagious, so organisations need to nip it in the bud.”
Again, King Prawn offers a solution. Not only do King Prawn users benefit from the Mighty Network, through which they can access a number of resources and form specialist interest or support groups, at the core of King Prawn is an element of fun. King Prawn Co-Founder Eddy Ku explains,
“Happy workers are productive workers. Over the last 18 months, fun has understandably not been high on priority lists for organisations trying to keep their heads above water but that’s changing. Shared jokes, banter, memes all play a key part in building connections. King Prawn helps people kickstart conversations in a light-hearted way so that they can focus on their similarities ”.